About WING
WING ignites the passion and courage that will make the geothermal community a global model for equality.
WING is actively breaking down barriers so that everyone in the geothermal sector can realize their full potential.
The aim is to one day become redundant, where no group needs to advocate for gender equality

Women in Geothermal (WING) is a volunteer, not-for-profit organization whose aim is to promote the education, professional development, and advancement of women in the geothermal community.
WING’s important accomplishments from its inception in 2013 to present include:
Growing to be the single-largest geothermal organization in the world with over 3000 members from more than 80 countries as of July 2023. WING is the only organization focused on achieving gender equality in the geothermal community.
Mentoring and supporting 34 country chapters.
Establishing the annual Global WING awards in 2017 to acknowledge members of our community who exemplify our core values: to be caring, open, empowering and courageous.
Developing the WINGman Special Taskforce training program to facilitate cultural change in the workplace in support of achieving gender equality in the geothermal sector.
Launching the Future Leaders Cohort program in 2020, which provides practical training for 17 smart, ambitious mid-career women to advance into leadership and governance roles.
Facilitating and accelerating the adoption of anti-harassment policies in geothermal organizations.
Designing a strategic roadmap with aggressive targets to increase female participation in leadership roles and to fully engage with our WINGmen in the community. The number of women who serve on the Boards of geothermal organizations has increased significantly across the globe.
Founded in October 2013 at the Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, WING is now represented in over 89 countries world wide, with 34 dedicated Country Teams. WING members represent a wide group of professional disciplines and every facet of the geothermal industry. They come from science, engineering, legal, regulatory, business, financial and government roles.
The Global Team responsibilities were run by the New Zealand WING team from inauguration in 2013 through 2020. The U.S. Team is currently managing WING Global Team responsibilities through July 2023 , when they will pass the baton to Turkey as the next Global WING team.

Core values
Core Values are important in any organization, the essence of the organization’s identity – their principles, beliefs and philosophies. WING members embracing WING’s core values helps to further its mission to promote the education, professional development, and advancement of women in the geothermal community.
- Focus on strengths without micromanagement
- Connect the right people
- Champion and support others' efforts and ideas
- Give recognition
- Contribute to a positive working environment
- Be imaginative and ambitous; stimulate new ideas
- Use forsight, and identify opportunities and challenges
- Challenge accepted truths and enter unfamiliar territory
- Make clear demands on each other and push for constructive change
- Understand and manage risk
- Create safe work environments
- Demonstrate social responsibility and contribute to sustainable development
- Be open minded and empathize with others' situations
- Think beyond your borders; make the world your community
- Be truthful and act with integrity
- Be curious, work together and share experience
- Promote and value diversity
- Communicate in a precise way, give and accept constructive feedback
- Bring up ethical issues and challenges immediately