
The Canadian geothermal industry is heating up and it is a perfect time to kick off a WING chapter.

country ambassador

Jeanine Vany

EVP Geoscience at Eavor Technologies Inc
+1 403-465-4761


Relationships, knowledge sharing, respect, diversity and inclusion are all important facets to industry building and they dovetail nicely with WINGS value proposition.  WING was initially founded to support the education, professional development and advancement of women in the geothermal community.  Overtime WING has expanded its focus to diversity and inclusion which pardon the pun “includes” everyone.  Canada is fortunate to see women at the forefront of many of the start-ups in western Canada!

Our short terms goals include establishing a membership base by holding some virtual events until we can one day meet in person again.  Canada is a big country and we need to work hard to bring East, Central, and Western Canada together and build momentum for what is sure to be a bright future for geothermal nationally.

The membership in Canada at the time of writing (January 2021) is 76 people.  The Chapter committee is currently 3 people and we are actively recruiting more people to join us as we build out the road map.


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