
country ambassador

Jeanne Vidal

+33 6 61 81 95 46


WING France is composed of a motivated core team gathering female and male colleagues acting as leaders and professionals in geothermal energy in France. Our ambition is to increase the diversity in the actors of this sector, with a focus on gender equality and life balance. By our action we also aim at developing this still poorly known decarbonized energy by promoting the geothermal sector as the whole, both in France but also worldwide.

Geothermal energy is multi-disciplinary, and involved scientists, engineers, technicians, investors, operators, lawyers, policy makers and stakeholders. People from all these horizons are welcome to join WING France and help us increase diversity and unconventional career path in the sector.

We want to increase visibility of geothermal energy among citizens and more specifically towards a younger audience like students and inspire women and men careers in the sector.

WING France contributes to some events in France and in Europe for demonstrating the added value of this technology for the society and the future generation.

Join us and become a WING France member!



AFPG Association Française des Professionnels de la Géothermie
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