Geothermal energy in Switzerland is in full expansion, projects are multiplying and let’s hope that these projects will prosper in the coming years. It is now that we must take the turn of the energy transition…. with a strong presence of women.
Launched in July 2020, WING Switzerland sees its membership grow each year, including men. Thanks also to those men who support our cause, it is important.
The mission of WING is about promoting the education, professional development, and advancement of women in the geothermal community.
Our objectives are multiple :
- To defend the interests of women in geothermal energy
- To show that diversity is a strength in this field
- To build a large professional network across Switzerland and share experiences
We are currently focusing on building the association’s statutes, organising webinars, field trips and mentoring activities, being present on annual geothermal meeting in Switzerland and promoting our actions through social media.
Upcoming majors events :
- Forum Connect4geothermal, every year in September, organized by Géothermie-Suisse : https://geothermie-schweiz.ch/forum-geothermie/?lang=fr
- EGC 2025 in Zürich, Switzerland : https://europeangeothermalcongress.eu/
If you share our vision and would like to join us, you are more than welcome to contact us or to register online using the Join WING page. To be kept informed on our activities, follow the LinkedIn page : https://ch.linkedin.com/company/wing-switzerland