Future Leaders Cohort
Selcen Gunduz
The Future Leaders Cohort brings together current female geothermal professionals to share experiences that focus on developing female leaders and supporting the increased presence of women in business and community leadership roles. The program facilitates the sharing of experiences, tools and insights with other women seeking leadership roles.
The cohort is a year in length with monthly virtual meetings. Program activities include:
- meetings with current leaders sharing their career path to date, motivations, and goals;
- round table discussions on the type of knowledge and skills required to be a leader;
- plan development to build a leadership pathway for each attendee; and
- the opportunity to build relationships with other geothermal professionals looking to move into leadership roles.
2023-2024 Participants
Jennifer Aguilar, Geophysicist
Jennifer works as a geophysicist in LAGEO, El Salvador since 2015. She has a vast experience in geophysical exploration tools applied to characterize the geothermal resources in subsurface during exploration and development stages of the geothermal projects.
Claudia Finger, Reservoir Seismologist
Claudia Finger has been a research associate at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems (IEG) in Bochum, Germany, since the founding of the institute four years ago.
Sam Houwers, Project Manager
As part of the Generation team at Mercruy, Sam manages and leads cross-functional teams to deliver capital projects for the geoethermal sites including carbon reduction projects, geothermal drilling and major equipment procurement.
Þórdís Björnsdóttir, Drilling Engineer
Thordis has 7 years drilling experience from various sectors of the energy business. Currently working on CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) project Greensand, planning CO2 injection in the North Sea.
Megan Holdt, Postdoctoral Research Associate
At the University of Cambridge, Megan investigates the relationship between mantle dynamics, surface processes and geothermal energy. Her work is being integrated into Project InnerSpace's Phase I Global Mapping Project.
Phoebe Parson, Geothermal Adviser
Phoebe’s Ph.D. (University of Waikato, 2022) examined the regulatory management of New Zealand’s high-temperature geothermal resources used in electricity generation. Her research critiqued processes for acquiring, managing, and using information and data about geothermal energy developments.
Annie Pedersen, Geologist
Anine is a multi-disciplinary geologist with broad technical and leadership experience in the oil and gas, tech and geothermal industries. She holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin.
Stephanie Favre, Information System Manager
With a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, Stéphanie has been contributing to the Geological Department of the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, for over 8 years.
Rebecca Bolton, Technical Lead
Rebecca, a dynamic technical lead at CGG's InCube, specializes in pioneering geothermal energy transition projects. With extensive experience in global resource assessments and due diligence in both Oil & Gas and Geothermal, she leverages her geoscience expertise and project coordination.
Gabrielle Ramirez, Project Geologist
Gabrielle began her career as an exploration geologist in oil and gas in 2018 and pivoted to the geothermal industry in 2021. At Ormat, she works on a variety of projects spanning exploration, development, and operations in fault- and sedimentary basin-hosted systems.
Risa Putri, Geochemist
Risa is a geochemist at Star Energy Geothermal Salak. She supervises surveillance programs and conducts geochemical investigations to interpret reservoir processes and surface facility issues, such as scaling, marginal recharge influx, and high non-condensable gas (NCG) content.
2021-2022 Participants
Bertha Arenivar , Environmental Specialist
Having completed the UNU Geothermal Training Programme, Bertha has gone on to work in environmental and social studies. She gets to know about new company projects before they start, which is interesting because it aligns with her job of reducing any negative environmental and social impact
Mathilde Urquizo, Planning Department Engineer
Mathilde coordinates geothermal projects in CELEC EP she has been project leader in previous roles & holds strong skills in organisation, creativity & commitment in challanging circumstances. She has also completed the UNU Geothermal Training Programme.
Charis Wong, 2nd Year PhD
Charis is an experienced Geochemist having previously worked at Mercury prior to entering a PhD program in Canada. Charis has continually been an advocate & sponsor of womens empowerment across the globe, where she has driven WING in its foundation in NZ, completed volunteer work abroad & an ongoing mentor for others.
Diana Barillas, Investment Project Analyst
Diana has been in LaGEO since 2015 and has rapidly become a go-to person concerning her knowledge & experience of financial analysis of geothermal projects. She has a varied background with stong business knowledge & has been a key part of the WING El Salvador chapter.
Jamie Potter, Reservoir Engineer
Jamie is a Reservoir engineer with experience in multiple geothermal systems, including coordinating a team of geoscientists, and devlivering clear technical guidelines to others.
Silke Lohman, Project Leader (Geologist)
Silke has worked in geothermal in Chile for many years, on multiple projects including geothermal prospects planning, managing and conducting surface and borehole geothermal geology programs and participating in international teams. Currently residing in Germany and working on project developments.
Emilie Gentry, Regulatory Analyst
is a Geothermal Geoscientist with Petrolearn, LLC. She has transitioned from the O&G industry & is providing subsurface geologic expertise to explore geothermal energy potential through utilizing heat waste with existing oil and gas infrastructure across the United States.
Rachel Grobecker, Operations Manager
Rachel is leading a team in a smaller start up company, extracting minerals from geothermal fluids. Her current role is varied & challenging with her manage operations, key stakeholders & implementing systems.
Julie Chiquet, Mechanical Engineer
Julie has taken a leading role in project planning & execution in her role within MB Century. She has technical leadership, people management and project management.
Laura Bocanegra, Geologist
Laura works as Geologist who is part of a team that describes stratigraphic columns, types of rocks and sedimentary structures. She has strong project Managemnet skills built from her career so far - Laura also serves as the Treasurer on the Geothermal Colombia Association AGEOCOL.
Nyssa Brewer, Production Engineer
Nyssa currently works at Ngatamariki power station as a Production Engineer where she is focused on plant optimistaion & process safety.
Elenore Dalmais, Geosciences Engineer
Elenore has worked a geoscientist & project manager on significant projects in France including a 23MW biorefinary project at Ritthershoffen. She has also worked on other global projects including the European R&D MEET project & Serbian GOSPEL project.
2020-2021 Participants
Diana Adhiambo Macodawa
Diana has worked for the GDC in Kenya for 12 years and started off in a group of 70
engineers with only 2 other women. She credits her leadership at GDC for encouraging
and empowering her early in her career to propel her forward and support her within the
male dominated field.
Daniela Blessent
Daniela is the current President of the Colombia Geothermal Association & is an
Associate Professor at the Environmental Engineering college at the Universidad de
She has published extensively in her field of technical expertise of
Geothermal energy in Colombia,
Michelle Ramirez
Michelle is well known for her contributions to foster geothermal in Mexico, Honduras
and Panama, for developing cutting edge public policies through analytic and logical
work, but mostly because of the easiness to present and transmit technical subjects
and translate their solutions into public policies and legal wording.
Loraine Pastoriza Primaleon
Loraine is a geologist holding a doctoral degree on structural geology currently based in
the Philippines for the Energy Development Corporation (EDC). Has over nine years of
experience in the geothermal industry as a geologist, in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Chile.
Phyllis Gathoni Mathenge
Gathoni has spent over 6yrs working as a Drilling Engineer for Geothermal Development
Company (GDC) in Kenya & unoffically was the first female in this role. She has been part
of a team that has delivered some of the largest & most complex successful drilling
campaigns in East Africa.
Wini Rizkiningayu
Wini is the head of business development from NZTE Indonesia who handles mainly Geothermal portfolios.
Her core focus is to work with New Zealand customers in Renewable Energy and Tech, establish and grow
their business internationally esp. in Indonesian markets
Silvia Patricia Barredo
Silvia holds a PhD in Geology & since 2005 she has been a Professor of Geology for Petroleum
Engineering and of the subject General and Petroleum Geology for the Exploitation of Hydrocarbons, both
from the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires (ITBA) and recently joined as a professor of geothermal
energy for ITBA-KIT
Rosalind Julian
Rosalind is Team Leader with WorkSafe with Integrity Processes, she is involved in Pressure Equipment
Integrity Management, Risk Based Assessment, Materials and corrosion consulting and component Life
Makda Kinfe Gebreyesu
Makda, since 2013 holds the role of Drilling Engineer for Geological Survey of Ethiopia. Her role has allowed
her to develop crisis management skills through quick decision making, time management & prioritization of
Valeria Garcia
Valeria is a Geological Engineer currently working as the Directorate of the Observatory of Threats & Natural
Resources. She has experience in marketing, customer management & sales. She is passionate about issues
related to leadership, teamwork, brand position, organization, event logistics and entrepreneurship.
Laure Mora
Laure Mora is the Head of Sales for North America and Scotland for Climeon, a Swedish geothermal
technology company. Previously, she also held various roles in Sales, ranging from technical support to
global account manager. Climeon
plans to build their first US geothermal powerplant are now well advanced.
Lillian Aketch Okwiri
Lillian has completed a Masters of Science in Sustainable Energy Engineering at the Iceland school of energy
in 2017, and currently working as a Rig Maintenance Engineering for the Geothermal Development Company
based in Kenya.
Esther Nyambura Njuguna
Esther is an engineer at the GDC in Kenya and is currently working on the direct use application of
geothermal fluids from the Menengai geothermal field. “My greatest delight is knowing that I impact people
positively, that I am truthful and I carry myself with a lot of integrity.”
Thecla Munanie Mutia
Thecala is a Ajunct Lecturer for the Environment & Climate Change Kenyan School of
Government in Kabete, Kenya. She is an experienced scientist with extensive knowledge in numerous fields.
Irma Khoirunissa
Irma is currently working as as the Senior Environmental Analyst for Pertamina
Geothermal Energy in Indonesia. Irma holds this management role with a growthoriented
leadership style that looks for opportunity to gain exposure to upper
management levels.
Lucy Crane
Lucy is currently the Business Development Snr Geologist for Cornish Lithium involved in the integration of
shallow heat & naturally occurring lithium in Cornwell, UK. Her passion lies in the synergies between raw
material extraction and energy production.
Rosa Escobar
Rosa is currently the Engineering Manager at LAGEO, S.A. de C.V. Among the Key
functions is the development and Management of all the Geothermal Projects, from
design to construction and commissioning, which guarantees the maintenance of
existing geothermal fields and the development of new fields in El Salvador.