WINGman special taskforce
Whilst WING has benefited from significant support from men in the geothermal industry, men are often times unsure of what they can do to support their female colleagues. Thus, the WINGmen Special Taskforce was created to provide a platform that engages men in the conversation around gender equality and gives them the tools to act to make meaningful change. These toolkits provide an understanding of the effects of unconscious bias, provides insights into current thinking around diversity, and provides tools and advice on how to better support their female colleagues.

In 2017, and in partnership with Mercury (NZ), the first WINGman Special Taskforce was delivered. For two hours per month over 10 months, ~15 men from different levels, ages and areas of expertise gathered to test the initial tools of the Taskforce. These discussions were all delivered in an informal, open, and relaxed manner that encouraged discussion in a safe working environment. With both a male and female presenter running the workshop, both sides of the conversation and perceptions were provided. Every member of the initial Taskforce group continues to be proud ‘super-advocates’ for gender equality, and while some have moved to other locations and industries, they actively lead and model behaviours that support their female colleagues.
From the very first WST session, the work culture begins to change; women are included and listened to in conversations, they are spoken over less in meetings, and their contributions are being more valued. Language in training manuals, reports, presentations and the like are changed, and inappropriate or unhelpful commentary is called out and spoken against. The WINGmen actively seek ways to support and lift-up their female colleagues. Unprompted positive feedback is received from women inside the organisation. The everyday work culture is changed. This success breeds greater success, as others adopt and model the behaviours they see demonstrated by their colleagues.