
WING UK share their new initiatives for the coming year, as well as the successes and challenges of keeping in touch during the pandemic on May 31, 2021 View the video on YouTube

The WING Global Board has been tasked with the long term organization and mission for Women in Geothermal. The panel discussion and Q&A with the interim Global Board to hear from these geothermal community leaders on a wide variety of topics! View the video on YouTube

In this issue: Mini-Symposium Series – WING Global Board WGC publications on women Getenesh Fundraiser Sponsorship & Membership Drive Taco Tuesday recap (Stanford) Mini-Symposium Series 2021 Born from the success of WING UK’s “Think and Drink” events throughout 2020, the WING Global Operations Team was inspired to spotlight country chapters in the Mini-Symposium Series. With the

The February 2021 Mini-Symposium is presented by the WING team from El Salvador: ‘Improved Resilience and WINGman Special Taskforce Recap’ The video can be viewed on YouTube. Follow this link https://youtu.be/w6v85jcQeaw

WING kicks off 2021 with our first monthly mini-Symposium, presented by the USA (current WING Global Team). WING Mini Symposium Series 2021: #1 WING US – Let’s Reconnect can be viewed on YouTube. Follow this link https://youtu.be/cRyLyujv0no

Women in Geothermal (WING) Rocks the GRC! WING presence was strong at the Geothermal Rising Conference held live virtually from 17-24 October. Starting with a spot at the opening session on Monday morning, Kelly Blake, the WING Global Executive and GRC board member, spoke about the quest for increasing gender and other kinds of diversity

Women in Geothermal (WING), a global NGO promoting the education, professional development, and advancement of women in the geothermal community, has transitioned its global leadership to the United States.  (California, USA) May 17, 2020 At the Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting in Las Vegas in 2013, 80 women and men met to kick off an

WING’s new website to have more functionalityWING is launching a new website during the GRC Annual Meeting in October 2020. The new website will offer more content, including a page for each country chapter.In the coming months, WING will be in contact with chapters with details on how to create and update their pages.

First, thanks to all the applicants for the WING Home Stay Cultural Experience. Lucky WINGs for the free home stay have been notified and are requested to confirm (by email) that you intend to take this opportunity on or before Friday (28 February). The WING Home Stay initiative is a unique opportunity to get acquainted

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